Video Studio

Your video studio in Stuttgart: professional recordings for your videos!

Looking for a Video Studio?

Look no further.

Looking for a perfectly lit, soundproof room for your video recordings? Our Video Studio is exactly what you need. Whether for webinars, online meetings, live sessions, or other projects – our studio offers the perfect environment for creativity. Thanks to sound insulation, the best audio and video quality are guaranteed. You can decide whether you book the studio with or without equipment. This means it can be flexibly adapted to your needs, no problem. Experience the versatility of our video studio and bring your creative visions to life!

Basic Equipment

  • N Lighting
  • N Acoustics
  • N Furniture
  • N Internet
  • N Greenscreen

Our Packages

Video Studio Basic


Do you have your own equipment and just need the studio? Simply book the entire Video Studio.

Ohne Einweisung & Set-up


Half day (8-13 or 13-18 o’clock) Price on request
Full day (8-18 o’clock) Price on request
Video Studio Basic


Me, Myself, and I… and great equipment! In the Solo package, recordings can be made of a single person speaking/presenting. The recording can be controlled with a tablet for more flexibility. We take care of the entire set-up for you and offer a free beginner-friendly introduction to your video recordings with video and e-learning agency

Technical equipment

  • professional video camera
  • professional lighting
  • professional Sennheiser wireless microphone (lavalier)
  • local recording in high quality and original resolution (1080p, up to ProRes 422 possible)
  • USB webcam connection, for flexible use in your video conferencing software

Test recording to assess the quality (Greenscreen TV-Advert)


Half day (8-13 or 13-18 o’clock) Price on request
Full day (8-18 o’clock) Price on request
Video Studio Basic


The Duo package is perfect for a tag team. Recordings can be made with up to two speakers/presenters. We take over the entire setup and offer a free beginner-friendly introduction to your video recordings by video and e-learning agency

Technical equipment

  • professional video camera
  • professional lighting
  • 2x professional Sennheiser wireless microphone (lavalier)
  • local recording in high quality and original resolution (1080p, up to ProRes 422 possible)
  • USB webcam connection, for flexible use in your video conferencing software
  • separate, pre-synchronised audio tracks for easy post-production

Test recording to assess the quality (Greenscreen TV-Advert)


Half day (8-13 or 13-18 o’clock) Price on request
Full day (8-18 o’clock) Price on request


What to bring with you

  • Own headphones (for hygiene reasons)
  • Own computer & video conferencing software (if an online meeting is to be held)
  • Sufficiently large storage media (USB-C hard drive or SD cards), minimum write speed recommended 300MB/sec
  • Please allow sufficient time to transfer the recordings.

Agency services
Do you need support with setting up the recording (beyond the initial briefing) and post-production? In addition to your studio package, you can also book a media technician, subject to availability, who will advise you on the set-up and take care of the technical aspects in the studio during the whole booking. If required, video editing or audio editing is of course also possible afterwards. Hourly Rate: 96 Euro

Your Benefits at Frameworx

In-House Canteen

In-House Canteen

Free Expert Briefing

Free Expert Briefing

Water, Coffee and Tea Flat

Water, Coffee and Tea Flat

Soundproof Room

Soundproof Room

Bookable Catering

Bookable Catering

Fiber Internet Connection

Fast Internet



High-Quality Equipment

High-Quality Equipment

Let's Talk!

Drop us a message or come by for a cappuccino.

Frameworx GmbH
Löffelstrasse 22-24
70597 Stuttgart

+49 711 99 888 0